Book Spotlight: The B2B Sales Playbook by David Fastuca Your relationship with selling is about to change. You know sales is essential to your business. But you’re nearly burned out from trying to meet your quota. Lately, you’ve begun wondering if sales is really your calling. The problem isn’t you. You’re simply missing the fundamentals

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Book Spotlight: Aging with Grace and Power by Julie S. Ross The purpose of the e-book is to take care and address the physical needs; while the COURSE will be assisting you in taking care of your spiritual needs. â—† We will begin the COURSE by exploring the pains and challenges of aging, followed by

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Today, we have the pleasure of sitting down with the renowned author CJ Corki, whose latest book, Not My Money: Overcoming the Elephant in the Room, is captivating readers with its vivid and relatable tales. With a dedication to grandparents, Corki’s storytelling truly brings to life a world where love, wisdom, and laughter are cherished

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Book Spotlight: Class, Coffee, & Confrontation by Stef Aden Working for an egotistical leader who blames everyone else. Watching change enacted to shake up the status quo. Seeing the results of a world where facts don’t matter. How far will seasoned veterans go to oppose a leader even if it is justified? Familiar? Political? Could

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About Bookaholic LisO Bookaholic Lis é um blog/site que surgiu por 3 razões: minha paixão pela leitura, férias de quase 2 meses (quase levando ao tédio) e outros blogs literários que serviram de inspiração. O blog foi inaugurado no dia 12/07/10, com o nome de Daydream e hospedado no (graças a Francine!). A princípio, pensava em

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Política de ResenhasEu adoro fazer resenhas de livros, por isso seria um enorme prazer poder promover seu livro aqui. Ficarei honrada em receber livros de escritores ou editoras.Você pode entrar em contato comigo por email: lismagol(@)gmail(.)com. Agradeço se você puder incluir: nome do autor, título e gênero do livro. Gêneros preferidos: Literatura estrangeira, principalmente Jovem Adulto

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